
Showing posts with the label fake bible quotes

Fake Christian Quotes

Fake Christian Quotes . It's fake, it's ugly, and it's not even comfortable! They have either been handed a counterfeit Jesus or drifted away from the radical life Jesus calls his followers to imitate. Tim Keller: 3 Questions Fake Christians Can't Answer | Fake christians ... (Nathaniel Mason) Our goal was to capture people's responses to the word Christian, so we took a video camera and hit the streets, from the trendy arts. With its religious fanaticism, reality TV programs and fake news broadcasts being aired by the government, the States feel like they are entering the Dark Ages. When we are at the worst times of our lives, when we are battling with something, or struggles, whatever it may be, when we are at our highest point as well, when things are going really well, we want somebody to comfort us. Insanity is everyone expecting you not to fall apart when you find out everything you believed in was a lie. — Shannon L. A friend and I